I’m pleased to offer this new book!

In my wanderings, both professional and personal, people ask me good questions about how, at 76 years, I find myself a proudly transgender woman intent on the ways in which faith intersects our lives as lived in the so-called “real world.”

How does God find us and how do we find God — and why should God care? After many years spent pondering these questions, I felt moved to offer a book about my travels, especially for people now contemplating gender affirmation, people who have undertaken gender affirmation, and their families, friends, and allies. I am grateful for the skills of Mr. Seth Chitwood, author of this book, who is a professional storyteller and passionate about narrative. Here is how the blurb at Amazon Kindle describes our book:

“Seven Sundays with Donnie is a series of snapshots detailing the experiences of an ordained Protestant minister who undertakes the affirmation of her genuine gender identity as she transitions from male to female through surgery, counseling, and her undying faith that she is doing the right thing -- even in light of the potential for damaging professional outcomes and difficult family responses. Tracing a story of some three years in the making, author Seth Chitwood, a journalist for a USA Today affiliate in the SouthCoast region of Massachusetts, offers a story of seven Sundays in the life of a truly pioneering pathfinder.

Seven Sundays With Donnie is for people who want to understand more about the transgender experience and how that experience intersects with the world of faith. If you're exploring your own gender identity, or you're acquainted with or love someone on a journey of gender exploration, or if you want to know more and be a more effective ally of the transgender community, this is a helpful and inspiring story about someone who shares the joys, comfort, and ease of living without the burden of gender dysphoria.  Available in both ebook and paperback formats. “